Building standards in Turkey
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Turkey, like any other country, has its own construction standards, only here the requirements may vary depending on the region. The technical requirements for buildings are also affected by seismic hazard in some areas. Therefore, houses in the country are built according to special standards, taking into account the characteristics of the soil, the proximity of tectonic faults and the climate.

Construction stages

  • The site is selected according to the general development plan of the city municipality. A building permit must be obtained for the site. In Turkey, there is a division of land for targeted needs, for example, a plot for agriculture is not suitable for development.
  • Topographic survey and soil analysis. Based on the geological expertise, a decision is made on what the foundation of the building will be. At this stage, a project is created and a state permit is issued.
  • Site preparation for construction. This stage is also called the zero stage. On the cleared site, a foundation pit is being dug for the foundation and trenches for communications. At this stage, the foundation is laid.
  • Home construction. At this stage, the frame is erected, interior partitions are built, the roof and double-glazed windows are mounted, communications are carried out. Then the developer proceeds to finishing work and installing plumbing. Housing in Turkey is rented with a fine finish, kitchen cabinet furniture, installed plumbing and electrical wiring.

When construction work is completed, the improvement of the local area begins, where there is usually a swimming pool, a playground and a garden.

  • Delivery of the object. The State Control Commission, consisting of various supervisory authorities, inspects the building and identifies shortcomings or violations. If they are not available, the developer receives a Genel Iskan (technical passport of the building), and the house is put into operation.
    Without Iskan, the house cannot be connected to the central communication networks and receive a number for electricity and water.

Regulations and safety

In 2000, Turkey introduced new building standards that make buildings more resilient in case of an earthquake. Several times the standards were finalized and improved. Therefore, the newer the building, the more reliable it is. At the same time, state control also increased. And after the disaster in February 2023, developers will be monitored even more closely.

All buildings must have an earthquake-proof “skeleton”. This design is a support system that connects the walls to the ceilings in a fixed and durable square. Floor loads are also calculated with the utmost precision, with ceilings supported by concrete columns.

If the height of the building exceeds 50 m, then it is additionally reinforced with expansion and subsidence insulators. On the upper floors, seismic seams are used to reinforce the walls.

Climate features

In the coastal regions of Turkey, double-glazed glass is placed on the windows. The floor is most often laid out with tiles, and moisture-resistant materials are used for finishing. These measures are associated with high humidity. High temperature resistant materials are used for facade finishing. When decorating, as a rule, light-colored plaster is used so that the houses warm up less. Most of the new residential complexes are equipped with air conditioning. The houses in the south of Turkey do not have central heating, so in winter, air conditioners are used for heating. However, in Alanya, even in January, the average temperature is +15α΅’ Π‘, so there is enough insulation in the walls to keep the apartment at a comfortable temperature.

In addition to all of the above, Mayalanya uses its own sound and heat insulation technology. Our houses are built using the latest technologies. They are not only safe, but also take into account all the needs of residents. The company has been operating in the Turkish real estate market for over 17 years and has already established itself as a reliable developer.