The Turkish Statistical Institute (TΓΔ°K) has announced marriage statistics for 2022 in Turkey. The population of the country consists of 49.9% women and 50.1% men. In total, 574 thousand marriages were concluded last year. This is 9 thousand more than in 2021.
The median age at first marriage was 25.6 for women and 28.2 for men. Recently, Turkish citizens have begun to marry later. Thus, in 2012, the average age of marriage was 23.9 for women and 27.2 for men. However, the numbers may differ in different localities. For example, in rural areas people still marry at a younger age. And in large cities – later. The average age for first marriage in the province of Antalya was 26 for women and 28.7 for men.
In 2022, 34.7 thousand marriages of Turkish citizens with foreigners were registered. 28.6 thousand marriages were concluded with foreign brides and 6.1 thousand with foreign grooms. Most marriages Turkish men concluded with Syrian, Uzbek and Azerbaijani brides. Among the fiances of the Turkish women citizens of Germany, Syria and Austria prevailed.